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  • Writer's picturesallykleisstimmer

Baby Thea | Cedar Valley Newborn Lifestyle Photographer

Sweet Thea recently came into the world and I had the pleasure of spending a couple hours with her and her parents for a newborn lifestyle shoot. I love doing newborn lifestyle sessions! This is such a short window of time when the baby is fresh and sleepy. And life is chaotic. And everyone is learning their new roles as a mom, dad, and baby. It's stressful and happy all at the same time.

Being as we were in this stage only 12 weeks ago, it makes me really appreciate how precious it is and how quickly it is gone. What I love about lifestyle sessions is you get to capture everything about this time in life. The decorations in the nursery. The crib. The random little things that are left sitting on the end table. The special blanket a family member made. The quiet moments in between shots when babies are being fed or diapers are being changed. In the blink of an eye all of those moments are gone and you forget what it was like. That's why it's so important to document it all!

I loved Thea's safari theme nursery. The curtains are so cute! And though she's not a fan of being swaddled, Thea was such a sweet little peanut. I just love her big, beautiful eyes! Jarrod and Kim are already killing it at this parenting gig and I'm so excited to watch little Thea grow up!

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