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  • Writer's picturesallykleisstimmer

February Round-up

This was an exciting (and exhausting) month at the Timmer house. On February 6, we welcomed our newest addition to the family, Frederick (AKA Fritz)! Everything went very smoothly with the birth and we are all happy and healthy! Our first night home was crazy. Our daughter had a fever and a cough so she was up all night along with Fritz, so needless to say no one got any sleep that night! Things have calmed down quite a bit since then and we have all gotten in to a routine. Ben had this month off with me and it was so great having an extra set of hands around to deal with the stress of having a newborn in the house. January felt like it lasted forever, but this month has flown by. I can't believe we will have a one month old in a couple of days! Here's to hoping for more sleep and warmer weather in March!

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