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  • Writer's picturesallykleisstimmer

May and June Round up

Holy cow this summer has flown by! I hardly got any photos in May. All I remember was Fritz had a cough for basically the whole month and we barely got any sleep lol! What I do know is that my nephew graduated high school and at his graduation party I tried to round up my siblings for a photo...and it was more difficult than wrangling a bunch of toddlers. Ooh and don't mind the tornados going on behind us #IOWA.

JUNE WAS BUSY. It started out with a trip to the Omaha Zoo. The kids loved it but pooped out pretty early (or maybe grandma pooped out early). In their defense, it was a super hot day. My favorite part was the gorillas. They were SO COOL.

The next day we went to the Joslyn Museum in Omaha. It's free to enter and they have a kids area that was so fun! I would highly recommend if you are visiting Omaha!

We also went to my hometown celebration, Dairy Days.

The following weekend, we had our annual staycation. My whole family comes up to my parent's house for the weekend and we all just hang out there. We had our annual water balloon fight and grandma even got a pinata this year!

The next weekend we celebrated Adelaide's third birthday. I can't believe she's already three years old! I love the toddler stage so I'm trying to soak up every moment of this age! The day was unseasonably cool, so instead of having water games like we usually do we had a pretty relaxed day of hanging on the swing set and playing with the bubbles.

And these last few are just some sweet snapshots I got of Ben with the kiddos. They make my heart happy <3.

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